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Re: [microsound] war
a book that really opened my eyes to this is "the Beauty Myth" by Naomi
> spw wrote:
>> When people are forced to believe in a religion and women are forced
>> to cover 95% of their
>> body that's stone age mentality BULL SHIT.
> dbuchwald wrote:
> A humble female opinion:
> Being German I am not "forced" to cover 95% of my body. But to be
> honest; often I would prefer to do that rather than be forced to cope
> with the tons of artificial female bodies on screen, in mags, in
> commercials and so on. No, they are not covered at all, but the
> pictures are 'enhanced' to make them ever more perfect, surgery for
> 'beauty' almost seems to be a 'must' these days. They do not appear as
> individuals but as 'types'; there is no selling of cars, tools,
> computers, wenches, screwdrivers whatever without a barebreasted girl
> presenting them, smiling like bambi in Disney. As a woman in the
> Western world you should better not grow older than 19, because after
> that you are no longer 'dainty' and 'cute.' Have you read the latest
> statistics about the ever-increasing rate of aneroxia and bulemia in
> Western countries -- everything just to 'live up' to the standards of
> cartoon ladies, models and starlets. Why don't you just accept that
> there are women in the world whose bodies are not exposed to your
> scrutinizing glances? Women whose social status gets higher once they
> become older than teeny age, not lower as in our model world? Woman who
> bear children without caesarean operation (that this operation becomes
> more and more common is due to two facts: a) women getting slimmer and
> slimmer so that they can no longer birth children in the natural way; b)
> for beauty reasons: better a scar than growing a little bit rounder
> around the hips). Why don't you accept that there are countries where
> women are still allowed to keep some secret about themselves rather than
> being always 'on full display'?
> In countries where women are veiled there is an old tradition of
> expressing your sould and desires through the eyes. Eyes as windows of
> the sould -- does that ring a bell at all? At least they are granted a
> soul and are not reduced to long legs and dainty tits.
> Even the feminist movement has stopped wailing about the shador and
> tried to see that phenomenon more differentiatedly.
> I hate it when people assume they know what is best for others (stuff
> which is in truth just better for them).
> Dagmar
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