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Re: [microsound] RE: [personal] Re: [microsound] war

Dagmar I sympathize with your views here

perhaps if we look we see the male role is also getting really skewed today
too: boy bands, poofy news anchors, mainly the lack of physical labor for a
large part of the male population. A lot of the kids I teach (the male ones)
are "lifting" and "body sculpting" at age 15!!!

goes to show again the media's usefulness to the state and to corporations
it is mind and spirit that make beauty?

and the reasons for "modesty" in dress in rural society should be understood
and not mocked or used in propaganda (and discarded as soon as the bombing is
over, like in Afghanistan)

dbuchwald wrote:

> They have to be a man and a
> woman at the same time: they have to be pretty, young, earn good money,
> "be a man in their job",
