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RE: [microsound] RE: [personal] Re: [microsound] war
All I wanted to say is: I hate this complacency and self-righteousness
assume that we in the West live in the best of all worlds or to assume
that all cultural changes are "progress".
Then fight it - you say images are strong then generate others.
Recontextualisation is part
of what this list is about. Make it work. There are lots of people doing
it and yes the mainstream
is hard to fight but it does change.
The equation progress=bad and old=good is just as damaging as
progress=good and old=bad. We should question always but very
few people do. One of the roles of art in society is to encourage this
"I had a long conversation with my turkish neighbour a few days ago.
She said, German women think they are so much freer than we are. But
all I see is that their burden grows every day. They have to be a man
and a woman at the same time: they have to be pretty, young, earn good
money, "be a man in their job", have a good education, a good job,
children, do their households, care for their partners, etc. While the
men in this country are no longer men; they are eternal boys without
assuming the responsibilities of a man (nor a woman). I had to swallow
hard, but I knew what she meant."
I appreciate what you mean but I this is kind of a media driven
perception of men.
Most people I know (here in the UK) are in relationships like mine -
equal for the
most part. My partner and I have different jobs within the relationships
but we
both share in it and are both responsible for our son and each other.