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Re: [microsound] Looking for *music* related hosting plans..HELP!!
I use hostbaby (www.hostbaby.com). They are very nice and specialize in
hosting for musicians. They don't really have packages like most hosting
companies but you can contact them and tell them what you need and I'm
sure they'll be able to provide it.
Another option is peela (www.peela.com). They're about as cheap as it
gets but I'm not sure of the quality. I suggest hostbaby.
Chris Jackson wrote:
> Hello List!
> I'm Chris and I'm new! And booooy oh boy do I have a
> request! I run Resource Records, Jump Recordings,
> Refined Music and Particle Music. I currently have a
> *bad* hosting company for Resource & Jump that offers
> 10gigs of storage and 25 gb of bandwidth for $24.95 a
> month. Great deal right?? Well, they trottle their
> bandwidth by the hour! So if I've got a few people
> downloading a 30-40 mb dj mix at the same time, all
> others trying to access the site are turned away, and
> they won't set it up to deny downloads while still
> leaving the other directories available. Mind you I
> never go over the 25 gb's a month! Just at a
> particular time in one day. So my question is...do
> any of you have a good hosting company you're with
> that can handle a good deal of bandwidth for a decent
> price?? My hosting company is horrible! My site
> averages around 1200 unique visits and 12000 hits a
> month and about 2-3 million kb's a month in downloads.
> Please help! My sites have been without a home due
> to a huge server problem at *said* hosting company
> [feature price...don't do it!] Please let me know any
> helpful info and please remember that my labels are
> basically a hobby and my budget is very limited...
> thanks in advance,
> Chris Jackson
> Resource Music USA
> =====
> Resource Records - Refined Music - Jump - Particle Music - PTA
> http://www.resourcerecords.com
> http://www.jumprecordings.com
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