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Re: [microsound] Looking for *music* related hosting plans..HELP!!


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On 4/11/03 3:55 PM, "Chris Jackson" <resourcemusic_usa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello List!
> I'm Chris and I'm new!  And booooy oh boy do I have a
> request!  I run Resource Records, Jump Recordings,
> Refined Music and Particle Music.  I currently have a
> *bad* hosting company for Resource & Jump that offers
> 10gigs of storage and 25 gb of bandwidth for $24.95 a
> month.  Great deal right??  Well, they trottle their
> bandwidth by the hour!  So if I've got a few people
> downloading a 30-40 mb dj mix at the same time, all
> others trying to access the site are turned away, and
> they won't set it up to deny downloads while still
> leaving the other directories available.  Mind you I
> never go over the 25 gb's a month!  Just at a
> particular time in one day.  So my question is...do
> any of you have a good hosting company you're with
> that can handle a good deal of bandwidth for a decent
> price??  My hosting company is horrible!  My site
> averages around 1200 unique visits and 12000 hits a
> month and about 2-3 million kb's a month in downloads.
> Please help!  My sites have been without a home due
> to a huge server problem at *said* hosting company
> [feature price...don't do it!]  Please let me know any
> helpful info and please remember that my labels are
> basically a hobby and my budget is very limited...
> thanks in advance,
> Chris Jackson 
> Resource Music USA
> =====
> Resource Records - Refined Music - Jump - Particle Music - PTA
> http://www.resourcerecords.com
> http://www.jumprecordings.com
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