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Re: [microsound] Soulseek OS X?
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i have been running python soulseek on osx under machopython and=20
wxpython on a daily basis for the last nine months. it is not very=20
stable (often crashes if d/l & u/l speeds exceed 150-200k/s for=20
example) and there are some GUI trouble. but on the other hand it is=20
function-wise much nicer than soulseekx. i have downloaded and shared=20
tons of mp3s using this configuration. I at least recommend trying it=20
you should download MachoPython-2.2.1-4.dmg and install first, then=20
get them here:=20
then download python soulseek from: http://www.sensi.org/~ak/pyslsk/
make sure you get 0.4.9c version, as later versions are apparently=20
unusable with wxPythonOSX
drop the pyslsk file in the python soulseek folder over the python=20
compiler and you are up and running. oh, and the first time you make=20
your settings and your shares it will probably freeze and crash. don=B4t=20=
worry - this is perfectly normal...
and feel free to drop me a mail if there are some further questions or=20=
trouble with this.
fredagen den 11 april 2003 kl 22.49 skrev Phil Thomson:
> Hi all, anyone tried the OS X of soulseek? How is it? Worth the=20
> download
> and install?
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