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Below is the blurb from a recent Forced Exposure (and Bent Crayon) =
mailout. I highly recommend
this album to everyone. Ovil outgrew influences of Oval and early =
and created something quite unique.
OVIL BIANCA: The Wide Album CD (KRAAAK). "It took Tim Wijnant two years =
to complete the successor of his debut-album Gravity=3DLove. All this =
resulted in a stream of ideas, influences which were put into this new =
album. This is a mature CD ranging him amongst the likes of =
Pimmon/Fennesz/Markus Schmickler. The Wide Album is a progressing work. =
Started out by collecting 'sounds' from different sources. Manipulated, =
and processed into rough tracks and fitted alongside one another until a =
definite version was completed and fine-tuned as a whole. An album, =
which will not only appeal, electronica-fans worldwide, but also the =
more adventurous pop-listener and the avant-garde scene. It's a musical =
history trip almost without the use of conventional instruments. Ovil =
Bianca is one of the few electronica-artists whom still discover new =
territories within a listenable concept. This is probably a result to =
his statement about being influenced by Syd Barrett, Dj Tiesto, Bonzai =
Records and Wesley Willis. These influences say off course more on the =
mental state of Ovil Bianca then on actual musical references of this =
CD." 14.99
http://users.pandora.be/ovilbianca/ ("The Top Secret Ovil Bianca =
and http://www.urbanmag.be/media/audio have sound samples (two tracks on
Urbanmag site are exclusive, I believe).
http://www.kraak.net/april2003/ is the label's website.