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call for works- Sonus
The CEC is assembling a massive online listening library (Sonus.ca) of
non-commercial electronic sound+music. Everyone from around the world
working in adventurous audio- e.g. microsound, acousmatics, sound art, field
recording, computer music, lowercase, etc- is welcome to include works in
Sonus. It's free, and artists keep rights to their pieces. The call for
works is below; for more info, see www.sonus.ca, or contact me off-list.
Sonus is collecting audio now, and it is not yet open to listeners- I'll let
the list know when it is. Hope to receive your works! best,
Announcing - SONUS www.sonus.ca
WHAT? SONUS will be the world's largest online listening library of
electroacoustics. For the list of electroacoustic genres currently supported
by SONUS, please see the website.
WHO is eligible to participate? Anyone producing electroacoustics, from
anywhere in the world.
HOW? Send us your works on audio CD. We'll encode them as mp3 and include
them on the SONUS site. Take a look at the submissions page as there are
more details you need to know: http://www.sonus.ca
WHEN? Right now. SONUS is always collecting music, but if you want to be on
Sonus when it is launched, you have to send your works to the CEC soon.
FEE- none.
THANKS- SONUS is a project of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC),
sponsored in part by the Canada Council for the Arts (Music Section) and the
members of the CEC.
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