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04.04.03 - framework playlist
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Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in =
London (UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm =
(time zone converter: =
Next broadcast: 18.04.03
Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized =
sound activity
presented by Patrick McGinley
i returned from my month away yesterday to find an enormour pile of =
sound waiting - lots of great material and several intro submission to =
easily fill the next several shows! we'll begin wading through them =
this friday. also coming up are live appearances and/or special =
framework projects with jean-luc guionnet, francisco lopez and =
for this show (sneakily prerecorded before i left town) we settled into =
some longer pieces after a lofi intro recorded in seattle by komafuzz. =
we heard a few tracks from a cd i've been trying to get to for a long =
time, brandon labelle's shadow of a shadow, and also heard two pieces =
from absurd records' research center for the definition of happiness =
series (one from toy bizarre and the other from the upcoming cd by my =
own project, murmer).
again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw =
field recordings or field recording based composition. send material, =
released or not, on any format, to the address below. we are also =
hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in =
or passing through london please get in touch!=20
31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL
(artist / title / album / label)
komafuzz / framework intro
recorded to cassette in the midst of major roadworks in seattle
john hudak / - / brooklyn bridge / shirocoal
severely processed sounds recorded on the brooklyn bridge in daniel =
menche's label
jhudak@xxxxxxxxx, http://www.johnhudak.net/
brandon label / the body is an instrument struck by its surroundings =
/ =20
/ the surrounding space is a medium agitated by =
random bodies /
/ the voice is a bouquet of echoic blossoms =
swallowing their own scent / shadow of a shadow / selektion
three contrasting soundfields as a study on the interaction between =
creation and context=20
http://www.kaon.org/brandon_labelle/index.php, otic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, =
christina kubisch / uber die stille / site of sound (compilation) / =
errant bodies press=20
collaged mechanical sounds, familiar yet unidentifiable (a clicking hard =
drive, perhaps?)
http://www.christinakubisch.de/, http://www.errantbodies.org/
toy bizarre / - / kdi dctb 116 / absurd
originally recorded for an installation of sounds and images from dom =
ruiz's garden
infos@xxxxxxxxxx, http://www.ingeos.org, absurd@xxxxxxxxxx, =
murmer / liquid solid / definition / absurd
track from upcoming release using a freezer, flourescent lighting, rain, =
landing gear and a shop alarm
murmer@xxxxxxxxxx, absurd@xxxxxxxxxx, http://www.anet.gr/absurd/=20
framework intro submissions:
1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your =
2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -=20
3) read the following text:
Welcome to Framework.
Framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in =
composition. =20
Field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears =
and listen!
4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish =
5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an =
mp3 via email