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Re: [microsound] is this microsound?
live remixing - i like to throw on ambient cds and jam with my gear over
top of them for fun occasionally. i don't beatmatch, so the ambient stuff
is etter suited. i do this with my portable dvd player as well - i put on
the commentary tracks, or a sound effects only sequence, run them through a
ton of reverb and tempo synched delay and away i go. ideally, i'd like to
be unfamiliar with the contents of the cd, what's going to happen, so in
many ways it mirrors the same kind of feeling when jamming with another
person. there is the element of surprise, which is nice. that said, though,
it's usually a live pa for an audience of one: me.
Shawn Hatfield wrote:
> since when did live pa's include playing other peoples tracks?
> _twerk
> On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, at 02:00 PM, graham wrote:
> > thanks for the links. excellent textures. i burned your stuff onto cd
> > and
> > have been jamming along with it, as part of my live pa rig. sounds
> > good
> > with a wall of drums under it as well - casading 909s, 808s, the whole
> > deal. perfect stuff for techno, really.
> >
> > g.
> >
> >
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