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Re: [microsound] shades of grey

acctually I happen to compeatly disagree with you if you know how to use
the patch all the patch becomes is a shell through which to make music
like any other max patch....

On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, A J wrote:

> yeah ... it's like shawn's camel toe patch...it runs itself basically (quite
> nicely, if i may add).  just because i chose my own samples, doesn't mean
> the composition is solely mine. it's more mr. hatfields' creation than my
> own.  that's how i feel about this issue.
> >From: Shawn Hatfield <twerk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: Re: [microsound] shades of grey
> >