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Re: [microsound] noise


Actually you are saying that the researchers are right. That children needs
a varying and interesting acoustic environment if they are to develop into
varying and interesting adults.

Den 03-04-20 08.52, skrev "macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

> "we do know that exposing infant rats to specific sound stimuli can induce
> long-standing representational changes in the brain."
> Doesn't sound so bad to me.  There was a period of my aural
> experimentations where I only listened to white noise.  I made several
> tracks of about 3-4 min in length of steady white noise with the
> occasional mild filtering.  It profoundly affected my perception of sound.
> My ears became receptive to dimensions of sound that had previously gone
> unnoticed.  Dare I call them microsound dimensions.  Subtlety became more
> important to me.
> Interesting article.  I still wonder: "Why rats?"
> --elisha
> Kim Cascone wrote:
>> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/04/030418081607.htm
