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Re: [microsound] SOUNDART

very humbly I say that I am very into soundart (not only as a fan).
So far the great attention to my small work has been attracted by a 
sound installation I've done in memory of Mary Hansen. I have many 
projects of sounds installations, but unluckyly it is very difficult to 
take these installations into exhibitions. Are you a curator? Write me! :)

For people around Italy from 10 May to end of June, you could come to 
visit "Cover Theory" a big group show in Piacenza curated by Marco 
Senaldi (with the following artists: Stefano Arienti, Bertozzi & Casoni, 
Mike Bidlo, Vincenzo Cabiati + Armin Linke, Pierluigi Calignano, Massimo 
Carozzi, Maurizio Cattelan, Loris Cecchini, Douglas Coupland, Roberto 
Cuoghi + Valerio Carrubba, Thomas Demand, Antonio De Pascale, DJ Spooky, 
e.g.ø, Eredi Brancusi, Maurizio Finotto, Fischli & Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, 
Fulvio Guerrieri + Paola Dallavalle, Massimo Kaufmann, Thorsten 
Kirchhoff, Michele Lombardelli, Claudia Losi, Mauro Maffezzoni, Eva 
Marisaldi, Amedeo Martegani, Maurizio Mercuri, Sabrina Mezzaqui, 
Yasumasa Morimura, Simon Morley, Luis Felipe Ortega + Daniel Guzman, 
Luca Pancrazzi, Leonardo Pivi, Richard Prince, Tobias Rehberger, Antonio 
Riello, Lorenzo Scotto Di Luzio).

I'll show the installation dedicated to Mary

please check also the works of Massimo Carozzi, a very good Italian 
sound artist. Look for him on the web.

and have fun!


Michael Arnold Mages wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 Tionlee@xxxxxxx wrote:
>>does anyone here do sound art or instalations
> Yes, I did an installation piece as part of my Master's work.  There is
> some documentation at:
> http://www.du.edu/~marnoldm/MAD
> -Michael
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