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Re: [microsound] Adolf Wölfli

> Store writes:
>> There's an astounding record with works of Adolf W=96lfli by former
>> SPK-head Graeme Revell - most of you may know it - called
>> "Metropolis, Amphibians and Reptiles" on I think
>Actually Necropolis, Amphibians & Reptiles was released on Musique Brut,
>and later re-issued on cd (via Mute) along with The Insect Musicians as a
>box set.
>Best, Dale

yes, but the cd reissue just contains the graeme revell contributions, not
those of nurse with wound and d.d.a.a. (deficit des annees anterieures),
which have never been issued on cd as far as i can remember (i could be
wrong though).
best, ciao :: nic

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{ { d i s c o g r a p h y } }

z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (http://www.12k.com) aug 2001
"zen enlightenment lifts life energy" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) jan 2=
"shayozoku" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) sept 2002

z_e_l_l_e | rjctd::nw | TBA (TBA)
"tief herz" on fabric compilation (http://www.cubicmusic.com) (may/june 2003=
"kitanai" on star6_789' v.2 (http://www.star6789.tk/) (TBA)

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