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Re: [microsound] arranging & the like

At 4:30 AM +0000 5/10/03, Chuck BENESH wrote:

>If you take a single phrase or sonic element and aurally analyze it 
>for inherent characteristics you can often come up with scenairos 
>which are just amplifications or free associations derived from 
>these characteristics and thus provide a piece with an organic 
>relationships between its parts.

Exactly. I made a piece for percussion and tape in which the tape 
part was made out of percussion sounds. I did a lot of close 
listening to and thinking about the sounds of the percussion 
instruments and derived a lot of musical gestures and processes from 
the microstructure of individual and composite percussion sounds. For 
instance, the attack (abrupt and chaotic) and decay (continuing and 
evolving, with beats) served as models for composed sections.

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202
