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arrangement & the like

"We are all greater artists than we realize" - Neitzsche

"Music is thus by no means like the other arts, the copy of the
Ideas, but the copy of the will itself, whose objectivity these
Ideas are. This is why the effect of music is much more powerful and
penetrating than that of the other arts, for they speak only of
shadows, but it speaks of the thing itself." -  Shopenhauer

:::::: interesting diagrams here:

Shopenhauer vs Kant

Arranging is taught as a typical university level music course (many
levels at music schools). It is part of music today. Perhaps
uniquely so in the electronic studio and with digital music.

The part of music that is not science or craft - the shamanistic
side, and the ritual use of music by non musicians and musicians,
commercial use, the sacred, profane, its addictive nature, etc. - it
all comes into it. and the process is typically archived today too.

I am finding more and more if I don't work on the piece in an
"organized" way [i.e. first], and sketch it out, sometimes
literally, I find it is always the same, and I don't recognize it.
For a long time I did not do this, and it I called spontaneous or
sculpture method(s). It is a habit for me to work that way still. It
can be more reactive and great live. The is freedom in the exhorting
as well. The mentality of composition is a happy mentality though

Form stretches the idea across a construction of the arrangement.
Idea catches up to arrangement after a long process. Natural sound
is without timeline but part of an arrangement. Microsound is so
much like nature, it goes without saying.

Alternative notation software is what I'd like to see... anyone here
work on something like that? This brings to mind the graphic "image
to music" thread.

Long things need to happen in music that are bigger than "loops" per
se. They are not necessarily arrangement concepts or catagories are
they? Are they "idea" "will" ?? "the great tuning"?
