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Re: [microsound] arrangement & the like
To specifically answer one of your questions, get yourself a copy of pure
data. It's a little scary at first, especially if you;ve never used a
max/jmax type environment but the possibilities are pretty much endless.
I have seen (never used) some visual->audio tools created in pd. Layering
shapes and color to create aural texture. Pretty neat stuff.
Tim Kugel wrote:
> "We are all greater artists than we realize" - Neitzsche
> "Music is thus by no means like the other arts, the copy of the
> Ideas, but the copy of the will itself, whose objectivity these
> Ideas are. This is why the effect of music is much more powerful and
> penetrating than that of the other arts, for they speak only of
> shadows, but it speaks of the thing itself." - Shopenhauer
> :::::: interesting diagrams here:
> Shopenhauer vs Kant
> http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~matsmith/f_essays/kantschop.htm
> Arranging is taught as a typical university level music course (many
> levels at music schools). It is part of music today. Perhaps
> uniquely so in the electronic studio and with digital music.
> The part of music that is not science or craft - the shamanistic
> side, and the ritual use of music by non musicians and musicians,
> commercial use, the sacred, profane, its addictive nature, etc. - it
> all comes into it. and the process is typically archived today too.
> I am finding more and more if I don't work on the piece in an
> "organized" way [i.e. first], and sketch it out, sometimes
> literally, I find it is always the same, and I don't recognize it.
> For a long time I did not do this, and it I called spontaneous or
> sculpture method(s). It is a habit for me to work that way still. It
> can be more reactive and great live. The is freedom in the exhorting
> as well. The mentality of composition is a happy mentality though
> too.
> Form stretches the idea across a construction of the arrangement.
> Idea catches up to arrangement after a long process. Natural sound
> is without timeline but part of an arrangement. Microsound is so
> much like nature, it goes without saying.
> Alternative notation software is what I'd like to see... anyone here
> work on something like that? This brings to mind the graphic "image
> to music" thread.
> Long things need to happen in music that are bigger than "loops" per
> se. They are not necessarily arrangement concepts or catagories are
> they? Are they "idea" "will" ?? "the great tuning"?
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