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Re: [microsound] installation/sound/movement


There certainly exists visual/audio projects like you describe. You might
do well to check out Cycling74's Max/MSP/Jitter (especially the Jitter
add-on) Jitter is all about using video to manipulate audio and vice
versa. You could plug a DV camera into your laptop and record things in
realtime and have that data influence audio, or whatever you want. Pretty
cool stuff...
hope that helps


> Hi,
>    During a recent trip, I had the chance to visit the 'Living Inside
> the     Grid' exhibition at  the New Museum of Cont. Art in NYC. One of
> the works  was an interactive one, where the audience stands under a
> camera and some kind of mechanism that has sensors (or something like
> that), and as the audience moves, her/his movements are captured by
> this mechanism and are reflected through the projector on to the screen
> in different shapes and colors. It was very interesting and I was
> wondering if there is a similar experiementation done with sound. I
> mean, a mechanism that would capture your movements and reflect them as
> sound. I would absolutely *love* an installation of that sort, in fact
> I would then start making music :)
> I would appreciate any info on the matter.
> thanks,,
> senom
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Nate Harrison
