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Re: [microsound] mp3recorder
i just cleaned up some audio that a friend recorded on his MP3 jukebox
in Morocco. looking at the spectrographic display of the frequencies, i
got a pretty good picture of where the MP3 encoding scheme drops
frequencies... you see almost nothing in the high end [the "air"], and
then in lower, more "audible" ranges you see that there are certain
bands that it cuts, and certain bands that it leaves in. these seem to
be pretty logarithmically related, leading me to beleive they had
musical harmonics in mind, and not "noisy" broadband sounds [like field
recordings] or inharmonic frequencies [like a lot of microsound].
conclusion: not the best choice if you do field recording, make
inharmonic music, or want a full range of the sonic spectrum to use for
further transformations. the artifacts of MP3 will show up very quickly
once you start playing with these sounds digitally.
another option: DAT walkman units aren't too expensive if you can find
one used that isn't thrashed. a sony TCD-D7 or D8 can be found for under
400 pretty easily on ebay, for example. then you have the added benfit
of an optical digital out, which no portable MD will have.
good luck!
hendrik lakeberg wrote:
>Thanks for the info. maybe you are right and minidisk is the best affordable
>option at the moment. one thing i wonder is about the arcos jukebox mp 3
>player/recorder. do you think the recording quality is acceptable ?