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one hour as... [contd.]

[usual apologies..]

_one hour as..._


broadcast times:
16:00 - 17:00 h (UK) resonance 104.4 FM, London
others chk: 
real media/mp3 streams: http://www.resonancefm.com

"one hour as 'education'.."
Noise and War.
Recent works, War Vol. 1-2, were developed from firstly seeing film of 
the Taliban, who cannot play music, playing combat sound recordings for 
'entertainment' - and seeing a picture of PM Tony Blair playing his 
stratocaster just prior to the invasion of Iraq.  As a response to the 
misappropriation [?] of enduring "freedom" - of "awe" and of music - I 
have been working on pieces, made using text to speech software, on 
material gathered from the internet -
1. Introduction
2. CBU 89 Gator
3. EBGU 15 Enhanced Pathway III
4. GBU 27
5. GBU 28
6. GBU 36-37
7. GBU 29, 30, 31, 32 JDAM
[james whitehead, 27.04.03]


Rudolf Eb.er
"...... asS ......"

In opposition to Rudolf Eb.er's composition + techniques known of 
runzelstirn&gurgelstock, this piece is missing any common conception. It 
was realised in pure anger and hate.

An Absolutum for pure existance.
An Absolutum against imperialism.

The listener should enter it like a shower, a bath of abreaction. 
[rudolf eb.er]

"......asS......" is based on psycho-physical tests and trainings in 
japan and thailand: edited march 20, 2003.

rudolf eb.er: action, recording, edit
kaori yakushinji: actress, vocals
supported by: dave phillips
respect to: taeko uzuki
for b.

Paulo Raposo/Marc Behrens
"one hour as a reinterpretation"

...is a product of a process that starts with the CD '0.000' by the 
japanese artist Nosei Sakata (*0), a cd which was playing back basically 
nothing (sound outside the human hearing range).  Sakata asked other 
artists -among them Marc Behrens- to 'remix' this material, which was 
then released on the cd called '*0 - 0.000remix - INFLATION'. The idea 
was to create 'everything from nothing'.  When Behrens received his 
promo copies he decided to take the process further: he used material 
from the reinterpretation pieces by Taylor Deupree, Hsi-Chuang Cheng, 
Aube, Richard Chartier, Akira Rabelais, John Hudak, Bernhard Günter, and 
Steve Roden to construct a further reinterpretation. After the 
completion of this piece, he gave it (i.e. in the form of all the single 
sounds used in the piece) to the portuguese artist Paulo Raposo (of 
Vitriol), who himself did another reinterpretation. Raposo and Behrens 
use different methods to compose, as well as different structural 
approaches, and premiered both their -however complementary- pieces in 
the form of a friendly 'audio duel' (like a ping pong match) on March 
21, 2003 in the auditorium of the Goethe-Institut Inter Naciones in 
Lisbon. The show was entitled 'Further Consequences of 
Reinterpretation'.  produced: March 2003 [marc behrens]


