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Re: [microsound] [ot] Computer music accessories in NY

on 5/20/03 7:11 AM, Jason Patton at patsnip@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Sorry to weigh down the list with this but, try as I
> might with a search engine, I can't seem to find names
> for music tech. shops (who might sell USB audio
> interfaces) in New York city, pref. near Soho. I'm
> only going to be in town for a day or two, so I'd
> really like to track one down ahead of time.
> Can any kind soul help me here?
> Cheers,
> Jason P

This should definitely help.

 Try Dr. Sound on Mercer(not Ercer as they have spelled it wrong).It's in
Soho. Fair prices,Nice selection. Rogue on 30th st. is amazing for used
equipment(but,not in Soho...)

hope it helps,
albert casais/omnid
