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Re: [microsound] Matrix muzak

> >  > >
> >>  >
> >>  >and the neo-luddism...
> >>  >
> >>
> >>  i didn't notice any neo-luddite themes... but then i am a bit thick
> >>  in the skull.
> >
> >Don't scare me... it's the whole premise of the movie, right? Maybe it's
> >just good, old-fashioned luddism.  That technology will destroy us--that
> >
> uh.... maybe i saw a diff movie... what about the scene in
> engineering in Zion? where the old guy is talkin about how without
> those machines there would be no way to survive?

I'm not really talking about specific story elements.  I guess I'm seeing
the movie as a whole directed to the viewer today... a "cautionary tale"
of what will happen to humanity if we continue down the path of
techno-philia. "Beware, beware... if we keep going the way we're going,
we'll all just end up as 'wads of flesh' connected to the Motherboard."

I suppose that it is already coming true in a way... this
symbiosis/parasitism of man and machine.  I used to have a great memory
for phone numbers; then my wife bought me a palm pilot for my birthday.
And when was the last time one of us didn't bring some type of computing
device to a gig?

