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Re: [microsound] take the red pill?

? I know this is the Village Voice. It still doesn't account for the fact
that the author was "surprised" that glitch didn't emanate from the Big
Apple. That just speaks to a kind of attitude which, even tongue-in-cheek,
is a little self-city-centric. It may be--and what I suspect as such--that
the attitude was not the author's, but rather what he had to put in,
probably at behest of his Editor, to explain it to New Yawkers--perhaps even
like yerself. tV 

ps. "Many of my friends are New Yorkers. And I love them."

> --. why I love and hate NYC all at once: can't see past their
> owncity-of-the-world BS for the life of them. Also no mention of Montr?al.

> hey brain boy, this article is from the village voice. i don't want to get all
> city-of-the-world-y so i'll explain that it's a weekly paper that concerns
> itself with things going on in new york city. duh. don't get me started on the
> plethora of BS that blows south with the cold wind from up there...
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxx
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ICQ: 18766209 | AOL: thesaibot
