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The Food and Shelter Project

ATTN: Canadian Electronic Promoters and Performers

The Food and Shelter Project is currently developing the first in a series
of annual nationwide campaigns in honour of the fight against homelessness
and hunger in Canada. Working with a nationwide network of artists,
activists and audiences, we hope to provide support to those who are already
working to increase access to food and affordable housing in Canada. The
campaign will take place throughout the month of June, and we are currently
trying to recruit as many performers and promoters as possible from
communities across Canada.

The Food and Shelter Project is a non-profit initiative created by Transient
Orange, an independent art and media network based in Toronto. The goal of
the project is to fight the rising tide of homelessness and hunger in
Canada, both by raising awareness of these problems, and by raising food and
funds that can be used to combat them. The campaign is one of a number of
Food and Shelter Project initiatives in the works, including an annual
benefit compilation and an online forum for artists and activists.

We are asking performers and promoters in Canadian communities to dedicate
at least one of their live performances in June to the Food and Shelter
Project. We will work to connect those involved with organizations and
social services in the communities in which they are performing, and they
can choose to collect food and/or donate a portion of their proceeds in
honour of these organizations. In addition to suppporting local efforts, the
promoters and performers involved in our campaign will raise awareness of
these social issues and the reality of homelessness and poverty in their
communities, simply by doing what they do best.

The campaign will be more than a single rally or benefit concert. It will be
an extensive effort, spanning one month and one nation, to raise awareness
of serious social problems and to increase access to food and affordable
housing in Canada. It will be more diverse than a single event because it
will span a variety of communities, both
musical and geographical. It will be more democratic than a single movement,
because it will be a forum for various individuals and movements to come
together and decide how they want to work with each other.

The Food and Shelter Project is an attempt to bring people together, to
increase their awareness of the issues, and to mobilize them to work for
change. By participating in our campaign, artists and activists from across
Canada can help us achieve these goals simply by coming together, and by
doing so they can reach new audiences and supporters from all across Canada.

We apologize for the short notice of this mailing, and we hope that we can
count on you to support the fight against homelessness and hunger in your
community and beyond by joining the Food and Shelter Project's upcoming
campaign. With your help, we can make a difference. Visit our website for
additional information, and find out how you can get involved in the effort
to increase access to food and affordable housing in your community, and
across the country.

For more information, please contact:

Matt Blair
Transient Orange
Tel: (416) 457-9031
Mail: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Website: www.foodandshelter.net

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