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Re: [microsound] fan reaction to laptop

I agree about the novelty thing.  I think the best reaction I;ve ever
gotten was when I played a set right after a house DJ.  My partner and I
made a straight up disco house song that turned into a wall of noise right
when the beat was supposed to drop.  The crowd went nuts.  After we caught
their attention people actually listened for a little bit.

the.kurtz.quartet wrote:
> dont know how your music sounds but you need not worry. in general
> noise/microsound etc. seem to have the same problem as electroacoustic
> music.
> i.e. no-one likes to listen to the stuff outside a very small circle of
> mostly other composers. a book by tom wolfe comes to mind - "the painted
> word" ;=)
> personally I no longer think this type of music can hack it alone unless
> it
> has some novelty value. but everything has been done and nothing new has
> surfaced in this area since the 60s. it works best as backdrop/complement
> to
> other stuff. you need to combine with words, video, "real music" or
> something else.
> Den 03-05-28 22.46, skrev "macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> <macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> I've never had good reception to a laptop set.  Turntables have brought
>> a
>> little more interest, but not much.  I really don't understand it.
>> Music
>> is music.  People don't have to like what I do but they don't have to be
>> hostile. I think it's sort of a clique thing.  People tend to be
>> pretentious about their music.  I think pretentious musicians should
>> have
>> their fingers cut off or at least permanently duct-taped.
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