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Re: peeling out to laptop
Apologies if this is a duplicate...
On 5/30/03 at 11:53 AM, Tim Kugel <guitardo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> And an awful lot of good stuff is not popular, at least for a
> long time. I think in a few years you could see a kid in a
> Mustang convertible blasting...hmmm...Pulsar Studies (pick yer
> artist)...as he/she peels down the block in first gear. But it
> will be something he can imitate in the shower!
> "the.kurtz.quartet" wrote:
> > personally I no longer think this type of music can hack it
> > alone unless it has some novelty value. but everything has
> > been done and nothing new has surfaced in this area since the
> > 60s. it works best as backdrop/complement to other stuff. you
> > need to combine with words, video, "real music" or something
> > else.
Isn't "electronic music," that is, something just for the ears, more
"popular" now than at any point in it's history?
I do think you could make an argument that this popularity is centered
around recordings more than performances, however.
I'm curious what is meant by "novelty value." I would assume that an
"advanced" artist would hold their aesthetic values with the moral
conviction that is the contemporary equivalent religious fervor. I don't
see how entertainment values enhance this position.