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theoretical research - the need for info


i have one academic/theoretical research project (www.collegium.lt) 
concerning experimental electronics in complex art projects.  
i would be thankful for all possible 
information, accessible through the internet
or maybe from your personal digital data
concerning all genres of experimental music that 
is used in complex institutional or non-institutional (underground, 
subcultures etc.)  audiovisual art projects
(performances, happenings, instalations, space/body/environment art, 
video, net art, spoken words projects). 
for sound artirts: it would be fantastic if you could send any 
detailed information about your own artistic electronic/audiovisual 
activities. my text could serve as a little academical promotion 
it would be also great to hear about internet sources, concerning 
concrete projects and detailed information (text, audio/visual data) 
of representatives of such labels as Mego, Mille Plateux, 12K, Touch 
Music, Raster Noton, Staalplaat, Metamkine, Mute records and others.

the very big Thank you 
best regards



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