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OT :: MDK Confronts Corporate Control of Media
Hi all.
Please enjoy two short paragraphs entitled:
The Civic Organism
by Trace Reddell
June 03, 2003
Plus a recent announcement from Secretary Packer regarding development of
the Media Deconstruction Kit:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall M. Packer" <secretary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 12:00 PM
Subject: MDK Confronts Corporate Control of Media
> US Department of Art & Technology
> http://www.usdept-arttech.net
> press@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Press Secretary
> For Immediate Release: June 3, 2003
> WASHINGTON, DC - The US Department of Art & Technology is today
> announcing its plans to release the Media Deconstruction Kit (MDK) in
> response to an ideologically fractured Federal Communications
> Commission vote to eliminate media ownership rules.
> "We will confront corporate control of mass media," Packer stated
> outside his office in Washington, DC, "so that a new century is
> spared new horrors of CNN - the issue Americans should care most
> about. We will appropriate with magisterial fearlessness,
> transforming CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News into magical images, and bring
> about the systematic reordering of the senses through the
> deconstruction of live, broadcast media."
> US DAT intends to distribute the Media Deconstruction Kit among
> performance artists throughout the nation, who will manipulate media
> coverage of the national election beginning with the Washington
> primary in January of 2004. By providing instantaneous access to
> live, broadcast media - and the ability to act upon it - the Media
> Deconstruction Kit transforms the one-way paradigm of broadcast media
> into many-to-many forms of interaction by leveling the playing field
> between medium and viewer.
> The MDK will enable artists to remix live news stories,TV sitcoms,
> stock market quotations, manifestos, advertising - scramble
> fabricated news in with actual news broadcasts - and put the altered
> matter out on the Net. The Department believes these techniques could
> swamp the mass media with total illusion.
> Trace Reddell, Under Secretary for the Bureau of Pharmakogeographical
> Surveying, advocates systems of varied media ambiences "diverting
> [mass media] from its current roadmap to manufactured similitude
> through an hallucinatory recycling of composted media content."
> US DAT and the Experimental Party are now rallying the nation's
> experimental artists, including newly appointed Under Secretary for
> the Bureau of the Aesthetic Hyperculture DJ Spooky, to prepare for
> the virtualization of medial space in 2004.
> For additional information:
> The US Department of Art & Technology
> http://www.usdept-arttech.net
> The US Department of Art and Technology is the United States
> principal conduit for facilitating the artist's need to extend
> aesthetic inquiry into the broader culture where ideas become real
> action. It also serves the psychological and spiritual well-being of
> all Americans by supporting cultural efforts that provide immunity
> from the extension of new media technologies into the social sphere.
> The Experimental Party
> http://www.experimentalparty.org
> The Experimental Party - the "party of experimentation" - is an
> artist-based political party that has been formed to activate
> citizens across the country in an effort to bring the artists'
> message to center stage of the political process. This is a political
> awakening, 'representation through virtualization' is the major
> political thrust of the Experimental Party, it is the driving force.
> Contact: Press Secretary of the US Department of Art & Technology
> press@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> # 01-122