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Re: funding in canada & cultural globalization

From: "tobias c. van Veen" <tobias@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> These are all good points and I don't really have much to disagree with here
> save for the fact that FACTOR and the CCA have time and time again -- and on
> the record -- shown a complete disdain for forms of electronic music that
> verge on the "popular." 

Actually, Tobias, sometimes the CCA does reach out to people who really 
believe in the importance of supporting the electronic music scene. My 
personal experience shows that there is a serious effort on the part of at 
least some people in the CCA to 'get with it'. Money _is_ starting to flow 
out of Ottawa and into the scene, albeit a few-years late for many 
long-time devotees (as in time and effort), producers, artists...



       Ned Bouhalassa

n e d @ n e d f x . c o m
