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[ot/spammage/xtopik] ØØÙØØÙØÙØØØ
shabkatu 'l-ward al-abyad
cdrs available...
5o% beam splitter
seething cesspool of tortured electrons
[wrn-74] -leftover from the fpbs mini-tour, handspraypainted edition of 35,
title courtesy of cool ron... live stuff recorded at the buddha, old miami &
an abandoned public access studio...
will soderberg
trapezoid of opposition
[wrn-73] -solo crud w/gtrs/moogs/drum machines buried under layers of fx &
dug up after rot had set in...
5o% beam splitter
rogue spook intercepts
[wrn-72] -xris p.aka cotton museum + will s. recorded direct to hard disk
while nightmares of shortwave numbers stations battered crania... about 2o
or so left, pkged in metallic anti-stat bags w/a different antique vacuum
tube pinups in each one...
will soderberg
[wrn-71] -3" mini cdr, is psychosis the price we pay for language?
surgical mental klinik
acute systems
[wrn-7o] -shunichi imako performs neurosurgery with theremin & laptop...
harsh noize...
will soderberg
[wrn-69] -cover features ascii porn, cdr elektrofukked soundz, do not play
for mom...
stalking shekinah
[wrn-65] -experimental female artists compilation featuring winter carousel,
carly ptak, chiara giovando, irene moon, gydja, niheyiwe, thembi soddell,
americhord, double lady-bug... sounds from europa, oceania & el norte
lo-fi real audio samples available at http://white-rose.net/sounds.html
cdrs=$8/3" mini cdrs=$5 postpaid in north amerika
paypal, cashish, moneyorder, cheque
email: gimme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[or buy/trade for some from me @ detroit art space thursday night)