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Re: [microsound] (OT) slow friday the 13th

on 6/13/03 2:08 PM, Patrick Norris at untitledartist@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> :) Sad but often true. Sort of like field recording: "Is that a
>> microphone?" and "What are you recording?"
>> Best, Dale
> I agree, I'm always interupted...to the point that I now use gameboy inner
> ear headphones and a conceiled microphone (with a mini disk in a backpack)
> so that I just look like I'm wandering aimlessly for no reason.
> Patrick.
been dare dun dat

just when your waiting for that specific sfx
your looking for (like the bus to pull up)
that's when they decide to ask.

I love the section on the "vancouver soundscape" LP
where the recordist talks about this as well.  he
was waiting for the noon chime to happen in town.
As soon as it fired a little boy pipes up (right
in the middle of the sound) "Is that the sound
you were looking for?"

I've often found that when trying to record
ambiences that involve people just doing their
thing that if everyone knows there is a mic
there that all of a sudden it lacks the naturality
of the moment and everyone is in performance mode
(either giving too much or not enough) it just
becomes unnatural.  I guess the same happens
when you pull out a still or video camera.

Stealth is key and you often get the best
stuff when no one knows.
(like Casey Casem's rant)

