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Re: (amb) dolls

like "dolls" too
but in italy just a few days at the cinemas
and no dvd or vhs too

and what about its music?

your site's very good


with a new weblog
in italiano... and some english

----- Original Message -----
From: rob :: digitalburn
To: ambient@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 3:45 AM
Subject: (amb) dolls

I know this subject comes up from time to time on this group. Just to add
one more - Dolls, Takeshi Kitano's new film, and his most difficult work to
date (by far, I think). It's visually sumptuous (customes by Yohjie
Yamamoto), with long sequences without dialogue set in beautiful Japanese
landscapes. It's a bit of a departure for Takeshi, but references his
earlier works in style and content up to a point.

It's on general release here (UK), although I don't know about other

More info here -


digitalburn :: designers with a mission
