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It will not...

Throw in heavyweights like Debussy, Strauss, Rachmaninov, Ravel, Bartok,
Stravinsky and Cage's in serious trouble... And there are no doubt several
others (later ones) who would "beat" him -- but past the mentioned names, I
can no longer make undocumented assertions.

> anyways, the point was that he was alive while most of these records came out,
> so he had to actively condone the reproduction of his work... hence the
> seeming contradiction between his actions and his statements.
>> Cage's stance on records and his hypocrisy in having
>> so many in his catalog is so Cage-ian- contradictory, dada, and not taking
>> himself too seriously. If Cage -really- felt them to be worthless, he'd
>> never have made them. One does need to eat and pay the rent though.
> i agree - from hearing the stories he tells it appears he was very much a
> working composer, living from commission to commission. he probably did
> whatever he had to to make ends meet. (that's how his work with the prepared
> piano apparently began - there was only enough room for a piano for a dance
> performance, he had 2 or 3 days to write the music, but they needed drum
> sounds, so....). but the video was done i think in the early 80s, and he was
> getting on towards the end of his life so maybe he had changed his viewpoint
> on things by that point. he was probably also in a much better position to
> make such a statement. it would be interesting to see if he ever did have a
> period in his output where he was still composing steadily but recordings of
> his work (by him and not by other artists) simply stopped or slowed down.
> are there any cage scholars on the list who can confirm whether cage was
> just paying lip-service to a noble idea or if he actually followed through?

I can't confirm anything...

But, starting from the mid-60's, there are several works that haven't been

Check out this fabulous web site I just found: http://www.johncage.info

You can set up two windows and have fun comparing:

For the list of works: http://www.johncage.info/index2.html
For the discography: http://www.johncage.info/index1.html
(click on chronological)


Guillaume Grenier - grenier.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx

in space there is no north  in space there is no south
in space there is no east   in space there is no west
