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[MTL] ALEXIS BHAGAT --- AUGUST 12TH @ SAT // Culture of Cities Project
( ( ( ( ( ALEXIS BHAGAT )) ) )
[ sound.artist ]
[ New York City ]
-- .. talk/performance on reel-to-reel machines:
Alexis Bhagat will investigate the performance of sound-as-art through an
innovative two-hour performance performed on two reel-to-reel machines.
Employing field recordings, interviews of sound artists from the upcoming
_Sound Generation_ book, and cut-ups of spoken word, lectures, and
manipulated audio, Bhagat will enact a mediated performance of recorded and
reproduced sound. Through the manipulation of the very space, format, and
"sound" of a "talk," Bhagat will experiment with the practice of the
"lecture" format as it crosses into a sound-art performance unto itself. Th=
core of the performance will touch upon the "The City of Sound."
With a field-recording sound performance & techno-turntablist DJ set from
tobias c. van Veen.
"The tapes will consist of Bhagat reading his own essays on sound, mixed in
with a variety of sounds, including his own recordings of nature,
commentaries on western music by Harry Partch, snippets of conversations
between Bhagat and Annea Lockwood, Hildegard Westerkamp, Grey Filistine and
tobias c. van Veen, as well as plundered pop-tune loops."
Tuesday, August 12th, 2003.
2-5pm / 1400h-1700h
2-2:30 -- tobias c. van Veen: performance -- "L'=C9t=E9 des Neiges"
2:30-4:30 -- Alexis Bhagat: performance/talk -- "Regarding Sound as Art"
4:30-5 -- dj tobias: techno-turntablism -- "Music For Buildings (II)"
La Soci=E9t=E9 des Arts Technologiques
SAT. 1195 St. Laurent
[back.end support]:
The Culture of Cities Project, McGill University, Dept. of Communications
The Societe des Arts Technologiques
[visual triggers]:
Thanks to Cato Pulleyblank for the Flyer / Poster.
contact: otac@xxxxxxxxxxxx for design .