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Re: [microsound] Parmegiani in Sydney

paul are you trying to say one should have left the house yesterday rather 
than drink wine and watch tv? :) was too tired from playing at shannon's 
furthermore radio program the night before where i heard some tracks from 
the new pimmon tigerbeat6 release. beautiful. also met nat who is involved 
with liquid architecture/parmegiani. nice guy. cheers jochen


>Last night I had the absolute pleasure to witness Mr Bernard Parmegiani
>in action.
>He performed 4 pieces using a surround sound system.
>While all 4 works were amazing, the one that really did my head in was
>'Capture éphémère' from his 'La mémoire des sons' CD.
>It's very hard for me to explain what I felt, but, may I say the smile
>never left my face, I felt rather giddy and I feel the urge to start the
>'Back to Revox' movement.
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