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stephan mathieu / douglas benford - reciprocess 02 (und.and) | ÝCD

Rest assured this cd is almost with us...there have been
on-going printed problems. i can't wait to see the finished
thing myself, i know it sounds great, but then i would say
that wouldn't i?

douglas benford ::::  si-cut.db <> sprawl <> tennis partner
news :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
official ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
bip_hop tennis + si-cut.db  http://www.bip-hop.com/
highPointLowLife ::::::::::::: http://www.highpointlowlife.com
fallt :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  http://www.fallt.com
backGround :::::::::::::::::::  http://www.background-records.de
12k/term download :::::::::: http://www.12k.com/term
sprawl :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::  http://www.dfuse.com/sprawl/
<douglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  <iris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
tel (+44) 208-568-3145, mob 07860-649613
