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Open radio festival

The Open radio festival is due to be held on 29th sept - 4th oct at the
Center Of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
We have organized an fm licence and an antenna for the duration of the
festival and will be streaming out to internet at the same time).
The idea of the festival is to give community/ pirate radios and
different activists groups of barcelona a plattform for their
specific contents and give them the opportunity to produce
radioprogramms in the streets of barcelona.

Parallely we send a call to international editors, producers, artists,
activists, theoricists, journalists, organizers and other cultural agents to
realise or send programs to perform, discuss and analyse the cultural,
social and political impact of new tecnology and independent media. Focused
topics (among others) will be migration, media and society, activism, social
architectures, audio culture, audio politics...

All that must sound familiar to you

As i told you we'd actually like to stream on line and on air some of the
Microsound works and specially the CITY OF THE FUTURE  And MC DONNA projects
during the festival.

Please let us know if we should directly get in touch with the individual
programm's editors or if you could provide us with the necessary information
or data, we could arrange an ftp dowload  or maybe organize the post mail of
cd's (data's or audio).
Let us know if you're interested.

Thanx for your attention

Olivier Schulbaum

