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Re: [microsound] once isn't enough/documentation was re: ever-sharing

> from Philippe Petit:  "...I'd say that one listen isn't
> enough.  I like music that reveals more with every
> listen..."
> from Pelagius Pelagius:  "...Imagine listening to an
> amazing piece of music with the knowledge that you'll
> never hear it again.  I think that would be a very
> interesting state of listening that's arguably lost
> from live performances now that everything seems to be
> documented."
> from Andrew Duke:  "I'm with Philippe.  As an artist,
> the thought that a piece of music I've written could
> only be heard once scares the hell out of me.  If

Forgive me if I missed something, but weren't we simply discussing *one*
project, one CD ~ not a new dogma?

Personally I find the risks you describe compelling. It doesn't seem to me
that the people likely to contribute to such a project, ie those on this
list, are likely to react with fear or to resort to bombast; I would
actually expect the oppostive.

Eg, why not take the ephemerality as an opportunity to create something on
the edge of discernibility, full of ambiguity, made to tantalize all
the more for being half-remembered, half-reckoned, half-heard?  One moment
in a bed of silence.

Risk, serendipity, ambiguity, renunciation of control: these are things I
have pursued not infrequently in my own work and respect in that of

 b e st

