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Re: [microsound] [OT] hiphop article

So is Condoleeza Rice.

>> And finally, it seems like the writer went to great lengths to prove his
>> bigotry to be valid.
> Hmmm... Does it matter that the author is Black?
>> I mean, jesus: "Hip Hop creates nothing"?!?  the author clearly is a
>> retard.
> ...and has a doctorate in linguistics, and is teaching at Berkely, and has
> done years of research on the subject of representation and race in
> language? (see:
> http://www.linguistics.berkeley.edu/lingdept/Current/people/facpages/mcwhorter
> .html
> ) I think that some of you are taking him a little too
> lightly--maybe this article deserves a closer read and some reasoned
> criticism.
> Alright, sure... he's being polemic to make a point.  And the article is
> written for a mass-market publication, rather than a scholarly journal.
> But in reducing the authors' argument to "the imagery presented in hip-hop
> culture is the sole reason for racism and the plight of blacks in society
> today"  is to grossly oversimplify a more subtle and complex argument.
> -Michael
> --
> Michael Arnold Mages
> mailto:marnoldm@xxxxxx
> --
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxx
---McGill Communications------
ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot
