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klanghausen track uploaded

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I just uploaded a Klanghausen track into Bjorn_Eriksson drop box.Title =
"song for a thumb". 4min. 57sec long.

Piece is made out of four laborative sessions: "klang1 (pop-corny with =
big feedback at end), klang2 (pop-corny/frying, echo), nebula1 (watery =
bubbley, drone) and rissett1(rythmical rissett-filtered pulsetrains) =
using impulse patches in AudioMulch.=20

In AudioMulch the impulses (pulsetrains) was filtered, feedbacked, =
feedbacks then granulated, echoed and reverbated. The four sessions was =
then mixed, altered, pitched and excluded with some thoughts about =
ending with a big feedback that drones out to the end.=20

This was a very fun piece to make. Many thanks goes to the book =
discussions on the Microsound book.

Bj=F6rn Eriksson
