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[microsound] .Fold Your Arms and the World Will Stop.
everybody ought to keep an eye out for Fold Your Arms and the World=20
Will Stop by Adam Sonderberg and Sam Dellaria (of fine=20
Chicago-based Longbox Recordings=2E=2E=2Ewww=2Elongboxrecordings=2Ecom)=20=
which is out now on Greece-based Absurd (which also has a slew of=20
fine and COMPrehensive zines detailing experimental ,noise and=20
difficult sounds=2E=2E=2Ewww=2Eanet=2Egr/absurd/)=2E a really dense and op=
track that slithers along in a resolute way ,spitting slow shards of noise=
in every direction=2E=2E=2Ereally exceptional=2E
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