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Re: [microsound] Max/MSP for Windows

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 10:53  PM, Michal Seta wrote:

> Joshua Davison wrote:
>> use pd and then try the max/msp demo and you'll see.
> see what?  See the demo expire after 30 days?
> Yes, PD is ugly.  But it gets the job done.
> Anything else I'm missing?

It still seems to have a severely limited set of objects in comparison 
to MSP.  My main gripe, however, is that it just doesn't respect OS X 
keys since it's TCL/Tk based, and all of the commands that I expect to 
hit don't work when I expect them to.  This effect hasn't worn off yet.

FWIW, Supercollider 3 (SC Server) is coming along nicely, with new 
binary snapshots released in a semi-timely fashion.  Native to OS X 
(and apparently now runs on Linux too), and with a wide array of 

And it's completely free now.

