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Re: [microsound] Max/MSP for Windows
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 11:53 PM, Michal Seta wrote:
> Joshua Davison wrote:
>> use pd and then try the max/msp demo and you'll see.
> see what? See the demo expire after 30 days?
> Yes, PD is ugly. But it gets the job done.
> Anything else I'm missing?
nope. the extra dough is for a better looking gui and thorough
i forget if pd has the option-click help files, but that's a big deal
for me with max/msp.
anyway i know plenty of people that get great results with both, so do
whatever you like. i just dont' see why anybody would pass up a free
30 day trial of max/msp, at the very least you get to see how the other
half lives, and then you can go on feeling all superior for having a
great tool at 0% of the cost.