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RE: [microsound] Max/MSP for Windows
> 1. pluggo - being able to turn your patches into plugins is pretty
> super. (not finished yet for OS X or Windows, but coming soon)
Not in PD that I'm aware of.
> 2. standalones - being able to turn your patches into distributable
> applications is pretty super. (ala everyone's good friend
> twerk) (not
> finished yet for Windows but coming soon)
Check out STREAPS (http://radiomatic.org/streaps) for a decent example
of how this has been (pseudo-) done with PD.
> 3. jitter - although video is the natural application, matrix-based
> processing is useful in all sorts of audio contexts
For Windows-based machines, there is Framestein
(http://www.framestein.org) and for both Windows and Linux there is GEM
> 4. midi - if like me you still use hardware it's nice to use all of
> max's great midi processing tools
I don't really use the MIDI features of Max or PD much, so I can't say
anything in-depth, but you *can* send/receive/route MIDI events in PD.
> 5. user interface - there are many very nice UI objects in max. even
> if you're interested purely in DSP you still need friendly widgets to
> tweak the parameters
Agreed. In my mind, both have a ways to go in this regard, but there
are many alternatives that have already been mentioned.
> so anyway, that's my guess... and that's where the software
> is now, not
> where it is going. lots of interesting curves ahead!
> ben
Can't wait, looking forward to it!
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