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Re: [microsound] Max/MSP for Windows
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Let's all keep in mind that PD is still in beta (current version is 0.26
FCOL) and Max/MSP is in version 4 and has been around a lot longer. It's
not exactly comparing apples to oranges, but it's like comparing
as-yet-unripe apples with plump, juicy apples that have had much more
time to come to fruition. Not to mention the fact that the development
community is different in either case. Commercial development and
open-source, community-based development tend to produce different kinds
of fruits which ripen in different ways at different rates. PD has come
a long way in a short time. I think that bears mentioning.
<-----Original Message----->
Couldn1t help but weigh in on this one. I got a Mac for a few reasons,
mostly for the slickness of the powerbook, osX, and max/msp/Jitter.
jitter. I used or learned on PD for a year or so a year ago, and it was
ultimately frustrating comparatively to my experience with Mac OSX and
Max/MSP/Jitter. The PD community is definitely helpful and welcoming to
newbies and curious experimenters. However, when I used it, and I would
assume it hasn1t changed much, PD's documentation just cannot compare to
that of max. max provides reference pdfs, tutorial pdfs, help files for
every object by option clicking, list of valid inputs by option control
clicking inlets, plus the faqs, mailing list, and support.
PD has much of this, and its improving, but its not as robust as max.
The Tcl/TK front end is definitely a turn off to me. Ugly and not as
efficient as it could be.
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