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queen plugins


> Oh, I'm beginning to get it... a piece such as 'La légende d'Eer' might
> carry 37 lbs of a reasonably intelligent french being. Add a few more pieces
> and a lecture demonstration or two and one gets to be carried around Paris
> on a litter transported by intelligent sound particles , excellent ,
> excellent , and rather Wagnerian , except for the eugenics , which wasn't
> very intelligent.  
> on 8/25/03 7:37 AM, Kim Cascone at kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: 
>> ?The quantity of intelligence carried by the sounds must be the true
>> criterion of the validity of a particular music.¹  - Iannis Xenakis 

that's funny. 

so making music through EEG (converting brainwaves to audio)
carries out a quantity of intelligence proportional to that of
the person who is the source of the waves. 

that's hilarious. i love it. 

so let's make an IQ test and then the smartest of us all can
have a go at making EEG music (best track possible, or most intelligent,
at least). 

but then, direct intervention on the sounds would enrich or diminish
the intelligence of the sounds? 

if it's the same person dealing with the music, his IQ shouldn't
change, so more or less i should argue that the intelligence of the
music must be the same. 

so i get that the intelligence of music is directly proportional to
the IQ of the composer. 

there you go. 

i think i like it when i'm stupid. 

or the plugin. 

(everyone really sure that there's no plugin for personal intelligence?
something like: "granular thoughts" or "political ideas overdrive"
or a nice "sexual delay stimulator") 

mh. i'm out of the intelligence topic now, i think. 


anyways, good work to all. 

i'll have a hard time figuring out what the hell xenakis was trying
to say. but i still like it when i'm stupid. 





partial derivative of a point 

