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Re: [microsound] impulse

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Not too stupid. If anything, the lack of response is an indication of
the intelligence of the question. I find it's common to post questions
on this list and not get a response. Don't take it personally. :-)

My suspicion is that the Acoustic Mirror "impulses" are actually impulse
"responses", which are samples of an impulse such as the one on the
mcrsnd server being played into a particular acoustic space. This is
useful if you want to make a sound file appear to have originated from
within that space. Convolve the sound file with an impulse response of
that space and it will appear to have originated there. 

If you want to read more about impulse responses and convolution, check
out the Roads computer music tutorial or


<-----Original Message----->

ok, so i guess my question WAS too stupid...... 
Oh well 
Been making my own AcousticMirror impulses from rainforest pygmy samples
etc....great fun 

"He who has rejected his demons badgers us to death with his angels" 
Henri Michaux 


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