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Re: [microsound] attention: VIRUS!
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I'll check it out, but I don't think the virus is actually from me. The
virus sent is a windows-type screen-saver, and I run OS X, so the virus
couldn't have replicated on my machine. Also, I use webmail, so the
virus couldn't have sent itself from my email address unless it was more
sophisticated than any virus I've ever heard of. Finally, the email addy
from which this virus was sent is hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxx (probably
faked) whereas my addy is hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (different
domain). Probably someone with a libero.it email addy on a windows
machine has me in their address book and opened one of those virii that
reads the address book and sends fake messages that appear to be from
that person. So good luck scanning your puterz all.
<-----Original Message----->
to phil thomson:
phil: be careful, you've a virus in your computer.
i just got a message by you with a dangerous attachment. check it out!
good luck :: nic
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