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Re: [microsound] tech q's

i don't feel the medium is the message=2E the medium to me is the=20
blahblahblah, the stuff that exists across the time axis=2E the message=20=

(for lack of a less pretentious phrase) exists outside of time=2E it's the=
impression created in the background of a work, that exists as the=20
spine, binding the whole thing together=2E it doesn't have to be out front=
be there=2E
so, in my opinion, the message is the message and the medium is the=20
fun part=2E you can choose the wrong medium for the message, just for=20
effect (the first thing that jumps to mind is the Coen Brothers, ulysses=20=

in oldtimey setting, or phillip marlowe as a stoner comedy)=2E i think the=
are completely distinct, and it seems more interesting to me to=20
consider the message and the interest in that as a behind-the-scenes=20
framework concept=2E that's why i like director commentary so much=2E

Original Message:
From: graham miller grahammiller@sympatico=2Eca