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Re: beginner books recommendations
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electric sound - Joel Chadabe - pretty expensive book, but it does cover a lot of electronic music history and reads pretty quickly
ocean of sound - David Toop - this also is easy reading and has more coverage of more recent strains of electronic music (techno, ambient, jungle). not quite as informative as electric sound but still good
theory and techniques of electronic music - Miller Puckette - i found out about this freely downloadable pdf book from Miller Puckette's recent post on this list. still working on it - free but not easy, this is computer music from the ground up using PD
i have Also been meaning to order a copy of the microsound book, especially since members of the list can get it 20%(?) off. i have downloaded some of the mp3 samples from the hotline server and I am under the impression that it is a more recently published book that will take you further into dsp than the others. when reading a book with some of the more technical info on synthesis or dsp with examples using algebra and the like i will just keep reading and eventually understand the concept from the pictures and words. - loren
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